• Your Corporate Donation —
    Saves Lives. We want to reward it!

    Raise funds through your company and donate to us. Contact us about adding company branding
    to one of our ambulances and join our list of benefactors.

  • And for an organization that cares!

    As you donate, we want to reward you. So let’s put your logo on the mission.
    We will add your logo and the link to your site to our Wall of Honour.

  • Your Donation — Saves Lives

  • Do you want to equip the mission
    and let people know about it?

    Donate to the Ambulance Convoy. Buying an ambulance alone is not enough.
    We must fill it with medical aid, fuel it and drive it to Ukraine.

Mental Health Challenge

Millions of people have had to flee their homes in Ukraine, and everything they’ve ever known. Thousands have been killed including many children and thousands more physically injured.

Ambulances for Ukraine – why it must continue

Since the beginning Help4Ukraine has been sending ambulances and medical aid to Ukraine. We are also working to support those with the most critical needs locally. But we must recognise that, despite hundreds of ambulances being delivered from across Europe, the need is now greater than ever.

Help4Ukraine supports two proactive NGOs on

We are putting arrangements in place for our biggest convoy of vehicles to Ukraine to date. Quite a number of our vehicles will now be delivering aid in support of the medical efforts of First Ones In Ukraine. First Ones In is composed mainly of American medical combat veterans who train Ukrainians in treating and nursing the wounded. First Ones In

May 25, 2022 1 min £100,000 of medical aid delivered directly to Ukraine

On 22 May six ambulances led by Help4Ukraine crossed into Ukraine and were handed over to the Ukrainian Territorial Defence whose job it is then to deliver the ambulances to where they are needed.

Raising the profile of Help4Ukraine

A working lunch for Help4Ukraine at the Leander Club in Henley on Thames was attended by Lord Monson, Frances Oldershaw, Mark Brett-Warburton and Oksana Zadorozhna.

Chelsea Fundraising dinner

On Thursday, May 12th, a sell-out ticketed evening event for Help4Ukraine occurred in the famous Chelsea restaurant Brinkley’s on Hollywood Road. Hosted by Nick Monson, an eclectic group of friends celebrated the bravery and fortitude of the people of Ukraine.

Help4Ukraine working on the front line

In recent weeks the toll being taken on the front line in Ukraine has gone up significantly. Something, sadly, predicted for a while now. As the invasion of Russian forces comes under heavy attack from improved weapons for the defenders the slow grind of artillery warfare takes its toll.

Our First Partner-led Mission

Help4Ukraine sources and delivers ambulances filled with medical equipment and supplies, direct to hospitals; where it is needed most. On 8 April we undertook our first partner-led mission.

Chelsea Bash

Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, Lord Monson (known as Nick to many) told Bridget Convey about an extraordinary group of people he knew of. They were not content to merely watch the war and subsequent suffering unfold on television but wanted to take direct action and make a difference.

Art Auction in Belgravia for Help4Ukraine and the Red Cross​

A charity auction of contemporary art took place on the evening of Thursday, 6th April, at the Osborne Studio Gallery in Belgravia. All nine pieces of art for auction had been generously donated to the event by the artists for free. Proceeds were to be split between Help4Ukraine and the Red Cross.

Three Ambulance Convoy

This is not the best-edited video, nor is it meant to be. It is a record of one mission. This is your donation in action, being delivered to three hospitals in Ukraine. Thank you. https://youtu.be/uxUF2q13fQw

Ukraine in a Fire Truck

Help4Ukraine does a lot more than send Ambulances and Medical aid to Ukraine. We do a lot more than support and extract people in the country through our partners Operation Safe Drop and the Make a Difference Foundation.

Tales from the front line

We travelled from Lviv to the east as far as Zaporizhzhya, as fast as the road conditions allowed. It was a hard demand on the vehicles over some extraordinarily rough roads.

Our expanding fleet

The Make a Difference Operation Safe Drop fleet has been expanded again. This time we have added a 7-seat Land Rover to the fleet. This will give us much greater mobility and access to areas where, normally, we might struggle.



We are grateful and happy that these media companies speak about our mission and help us to spread the word and raise more donations.

Heroes’ Mission

with thanks to Eve Voyevoda of Visibility Gym and to the amazing John Sweeney

BBC Look North – news report

Working with local schools and delivering ambulances

Media coverage of one mission

1,000 tonnes of aid delivered. We recorded the mission and made it to several news channels across Ukraine

BBC Regional News

Another four ambulances delivered!

ТСН Служба новин

TV News Service Ukraine

BBC Regional News

Operation Safe Drop

Телеканал МТМ Запоріжжя

(Television MTM Zaporizhzhia)

The Mirror

EXCLUSIVE: A fleet of NHS ambulances arrive in Poland to help the injured and treat refugees.

The Independent

Briton drives ambulances and two tonnes of medical supplies to Ukraine.

Northumberland Gazette

Northumberland man fundraising to send fire engine and emergency supplies from Rothbury to Ukraine